Lucas da Silva - Upper Cape Tech

And how time flies. Three years have passed. But each year has been a year of progress and better than the last, learning new things and living our experiences. Of course, new things are challenging and this year was very different from the others, I would say more productive and my boss (Cole Powers) gave me many opportunities and taught me a lot both on and off the field. But in each job there are new things, new people and this becomes intuitive especially when everyone works as a team you see how much potential people have together. Just like MVYouth giving me this opportunity. I always talk about my job because it is something I love. But changing the story now I will talk about what I did that was fun, starting with riding a lot on my motorcycle with my wife. We went to several nearby cities outside the island and I also rode a lot on the island. I got to know New York and completed one year of marriage. It was a year that I was able to fulfill a wish of traveling a little more. I also had the privilege of having my grandparents visit us, I had not seen them for over seven years. We spent Christmas with the family and I love Christmas because it brings the family together and I also had the company Christmas party which was amazing to be with everyone together having a nice time. I ended the year spending New Year's Eve in New York as I had said I got to know all those tourist places and it was a very good experience. I was also able to meet a person who inspires me a lot as a person. I can only be thankful for a year of challenges and also rewards.

Lucas da Silva - Upper Cape Tech

Hi. I’m Lucas da Silva. I'm 20 years old. I graduated two years ago. I had the opportunity to receive a scholarship from MVYouth, fulfilling my dream to become an electrician. I've been studying and working in the profession for two years. I'm very grateful for all these moments and learning. Lately it's been much more complex but it's also been more exciting being exposed to new areas. In June this year I got married, and moved to a house . Everything has been new and challenging, but that's me. I love being exposed to new things to always be going to the next level. It is a responsible lifestyle that we must have after we graduate because sometimes it is not easy to make the right choice. That is why I always like to look at challenges “with patience and reason” never emotion. I am really very grateful for what life has taught me and I am very grateful for this program that helped me not leave my dream in vain and saw that I was willing to make a dream come true. Over these two years it has been a lot of dedication, working a lot, having a lot of experiences working in a lot of different places, such as school, industrial and much more. This year 2024 I will be going to my third year of school and third year of work. It's been a very productive year and I'm really looking forward to the new experiences that this year will bring.

Lucas da Silva - Upper Cape Tech

Hello, my name is Lucas Eduardo da Silva, I'm Brazilian and I'm 19 years old. I graduated from high school and today thanks to this program, and thanks to God, I have a great opportunity to be studying electricity. I am also working in the same area where I study. During the fall I was studying in the course, run by excellent professionals, who take us to live the experience and demonstrate importance and concern for our learning, and the respect that exists within the field. This course is very applauded because we are like brothers and sisters sharing the same desire and intensity to learn. It is important to remember that yes, studies are tiring, but I speak with authority that it is the tiring studies that will take you to more challenging levels and with bigger rewards, and nowadays I can see how beneficial studying and mainly doing what I love has been for me. So thank you very much for believing in my path and thank you very much MVYouth for all your support in this important moment for my future, and that you continue to help other people like me so that they don't give up on their future.